miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016


"La felicidad es darse cuenta de que nada es demasiado importante."
Antonio Gala


2 comentarios:

  1. Lovely fun filled photo. It made me smile and feel joy. Kipling has a poem in which he writes that, "Everything should count with you, but none too much" An interesting concept. When I look at the happy girl, I think that nothing is as important as what we are doing now. So many people wonder what they will do next, rather than enjoying "The eternal now" Thank you for all you have brought to my life. We Jews have just started the New Year, and I want to wish you all G-d's blessings in the coming year. May you be inscribed in the Book of Life and Health, Dear Friend.

    1. "The eternal now", what a beautiful expression!
      Thanks to you, my friend. Your presence makes me happy and I love the great conversations we have. I wish you the best, for you and your beloved beings, and all the great things life reserves us. All my affection, my friend.
