lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Sin perder el norte

"Cuando no sopla el viento, incluso la veleta tiene carácter."
Stanislaw Lem

Sin perder el norte

2 comentarios:

  1. I like the juxtaposition of the old style weather vane with the TV antennas and the disk. I might say, when the wind does not blow, the vane KEEPS its character. As you said in your email, it is important to keep in balance, yet, often even when the wind does blow the vane stays still. It spins when the wind is out of balance and can't make up its mind. I do understand what you mean by "keeping the north". It is a kind of balance between us and the earth. Unlike the vane, the compass points only to the north, and the North Star always tells us where north is. We may then orient our position based on that information. This is a wonderful photo, which as you can tell has filled my head with various thoughts. Great work, my Talented Friend. Big Hugs.

    1. First of all, I am sorry for the delay in my answer. Lately I´ve been busy with my work and another little things around me. When I saw that weather vane, I thought the same as you: the funny coincidence about modern and vintage items.
      Keeping the north is very important for me, I need balance on my life to head all the things around me, and it´s a necessary reference for me.
      Thank you for your kind words, and receive a big hug, my friend!
