viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015


"¡Oh, memoria, enemiga mortal de mi descanso!"
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra


2 comentarios:

  1. There is a common expression these days that we are making memories by whatever activity we are engaged in. I have always felt that that concept simply makes us forget to enjoy the now of our lives. In Dante's Inferno, we are told that the souls in Hell have complete knowledge of the past, but nothing of the present. They live in the constant anguish of remembering why they are condemned to Hell, but have no knowledge of present life on earth; they don't know if their friends and loved ones are dead or alive; happy or unhappy. However, somehow they are able to see far into the future. A future they will not share. My grandmother was my first and lifelong teacher of Dante. As I got older, I told her that I had no need to know the distant future, and would be very happy to forget some of the past. What I wanted was an eternal now. I asked her if I could do that, and she in her way, said I should experiment. In the end, I was able to put my life in compartments; some I could close in and others leave open. People don't believe it, but there are moments in my life that are so closed up, that they don't have the power to cause anguish, or be the " enemy of my rest "

  2. I also find it amazing that the snail can conjure up all those thoughts of dreams and disturbed rest. An excellent choice of photo to go with the quote. Big Hugs, Kisses, and Happy Memories, Dear Friend.
