jueves, 7 de abril de 2016


El alma tenías
tan clara y abierta,
que yo nunca pude
entrarme en tu alma.
Busqué los atajos
angostos, los pasos
altos y difíciles...
A tu alma se iba
por caminos anchos.
Preparé alta escala
—soñaba altos muros
guardándote el alma—
pero el alma tuya
estaba sin guarda
de tapial ni cerca.
Te busqué la puerta
estrecha del alma,
pero no tenía,
de franca que era,
entradas tu alma.
¿En dónde empezaba?
¿Acababa, en dónde?
Me quedé por siempre
sentado en las vagas
lindes de tu alma.

Pedro Salinas 


2 comentarios:

  1. This is so painfully beautiful. How often do we look for the most difficult path when the door is already open? Is it because we never believe that there can be an easy path, or that we do not have confidence in ourselves? Perhaps we believe what we were told by others, who said that nothing easy was worthwhile. And yet there are those who keep an open path to their hearts and souls, which we often miss. Thank you for this. I will keep it and read many more times.

  2. I think we believe by defautl that everything is difficult, and when we find something easy, or an easy way to have something, we refuse it as it´s a mistake. But I believe that life is so easy, and we make it more difficult than it is.
    A big hug, my dear friend.
