lunes, 8 de agosto de 2016

Simetría y equidistancia

A veces, sólo a veces, las coincidencias ocurren.

Simetría y equidistancia

2 comentarios:

  1. I love this photo. Not only the symmetry, but the moon in the background. Symmetry is an interesting concept. I often wonder if we see symmetry because we want the world to make sense, or is the world created that way. The French love symmetry. Every garden and park and square is always built in such a way that everything is in balance. That, I suppose is imposed symmetry. I sometimes like disorder. There is this scientific concept that claims that things change based on the observer. I believe that as well. Is your photo a coincidence, or was it that you pointed your camera to create the symmetry? I have no answer. It is just that your photo and statement once again made my mind run with thoughts. Wonderful work, my talented friend.

    1. I resolve your question: it was a coincidence. I was walking to my car, after a long and wonderful day at the sea, and when I looked at the sky, I saw this. I usually go walking with my camera, and I didn´t hesitate. Now is one of my favorite photos.
      I like symmetry too, though I agree with you in the idea of disorder (a little disorder that means life, living things). Theoretical concepts, at least, symmetry and equidistance, I suppose.
      Thank you very much, and receive lots of kisses, my dear friend.
