viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

A ras de suelo

"A una colectividad se le engaña siempre mejor que a un hombre."
Pío Baroja

A ras de suelo

2 comentarios:

  1. I am not sure if a take the true meaning of the quote, but if he is saying that the collective is more deceitful than the individual then I am in complete agreement. The most important component of society is the individual, and if we deal with each other with the understanding of that truth there will be less opportunity for deceit. All societies that enforced the tyranny of the collective have destroyed individual liberty in the name of equality. Liberty is much more important than equality, since in the collective it is usually the case that everyone is equally unfree and without liberty. Big Hugs, Kisses, and never ending liberty.

    1. This quote means that is more difficult to cheat a single person than to try to cheat the collective. Probably Baroja thought, like I do, that the collective, as a abstract group, would be more naive. But the sense you told is true, too. A big hug and liberty forever, my friend.
