jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Reloj de sol urbano

A veces buscas fotos, y otras veces, las fotos te encuentran a ti.
Eran las siete de la tarde, y lo supe al ver la sombra que la farola proyectaba sobre la acera.
La foto me encontró a mí.

Reloj de sol urbano

2 comentarios:

  1. I love this concept of art. Often if we go in search of creativity with a preconceived notion, the inspiration does not come. We must give the world the opportunity to reveal itself to us. Michelangelo said that in each slab of stone there was a work of art waiting to reveal itself. It goes without saying, of course, that none but the creative mind will have it revealed to her. Others might have walked by that marvelous scene without "hearing" its call. You "heard" it, and gave the gift to the rest of us

    1. I did this photograph the last week (on Thursday, like today), I was walking near my home, enjoying the last hours of the autumn sun. I was searching for streetphoto scenes, with people, but all I saw was nature. And suddenly, this image appeared to me, and I saw the clockwise marking seven o´clock (in fact, it was ten to seven), and I smiled, because I knew it would be a special image for me and for those who understand it. Many thanks, my friend. A big hug.
