martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Suavidad (II)

"¡Dios mío, qué guapa estabas esta tarde cuando hablamos por teléfono!"
Sacha Guitry

Suavidad (II)

2 comentarios:

  1. I am a big fan of the work of Guitry, who lived in Paris at a time that has the most resonance for me. This line is hilarious because of the implied double meaning. It is from one of his plays called, " Villa for Sale " which is a satirical comedy of manners. You were beautiful on the phone, of course, can also mean that you are a disappointment now that I see you in person. His plays were filled with such double meaning lines. Perhaps the butterfly has been disappointed and is now leaving the flower.

    1. I am always grateful for your explanations, they are always very interesting to me. In this case, I can ensure that the butterfly was very very patient with me while I was making the photo (until my tripod hit the rosebush when I was placing it in the right manner... but that happened a quarter of an hour since I started). Lots of kisses, my friend.
