jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

El último esplendor

Un espectáculo impresionante, y al alcance de todos.
Tan sólo hace falta abrir los ojos y dejar que ocurra.

El último esplendor

2 comentarios:

  1. " There are none blind as those who will not see " Your quote and image are a reminder that there is beauty all around us, but we must take the responsibility to open our eyes, minds, and hearts to it. I was feeling dark for the last few days, but this has given me a lift. Thank you Dear Friend

    1. I know what you mean, the last days were hard, and it´s very easy to feel sad and tired. Humans are often cruel and make us feel pain and sorrow. Fortunately, there are still little things that deserve our attention, and make us happy with no much effort. A smile, a caress, a kind word of a friend, or just a sunset in front of us, that reminds how wide is the world, and how beautiful it is. Smile, my dear Michael, always smile. A big hug from your spanish friend.
