viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015


"El hombre se adentra en la multitud por ahogar el clamor de su propio silencio."
Rabindranath Tagore


2 comentarios:

  1. How true this is. F Scott Fitzgerald speaks of that time when we are alone and tormented by our own thoughts, as being like: " Three o'clock in the morning in that long dark night of the soul. " Often the only solution for the clamor of silence is the cacophony of the crowd. May all your dreams be filled with happiness my friend.

    1. What a fantastic quote, my friend. I´m sure I will use it in another photo. Solitude is awful when it´s not a voluntary choice.
      I know you will never be alone, because you´re a great person. Lots of kisses and a big hug, my friend.
