lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015


“La timidez es deseo de agradar y temor de no conseguirlo.” 
Ludwig Börne


2 comentarios:

  1. I always thought shyness had an element of fear in it, but not in this sense. This seems to say that the fear comes from not getting what was wished for; that shyness is a ploy, to cause pleasure to come from the other. I have met shy people who use the cover of shyness to absolve themselves from the responsibility of working on a relationship with others. It is like the chestnut in your photo that has a prickly exterior guarding the delicious fruit inside. Hugs and Kisses from the old extrovert.

    1. I´m glad I met you as a extrovert person. I´m extrovert too, but sometimes, when the circumstances are difficult, I understand that somebody could be shy... Perhaps because when I was younger, shyness was an easy way to hide the fear. A big hug, my extrovert friend.
